Enoshima Electric Railway has one 10.0km light rail line. This railway is often called "江ノ電(Enoden)". Enoden is one of most popular railways in Japan. Enoden runs in Kamakura and Enoshima of popular tourist destination. Scenery from train window is various. Enoden train runs in short on-street runnig section, along the beach, just a back of houses. Tourists enjoy the viewing from train windows.
Enoden's rollong stocks are specialized articulated car. Length of 2-car set is only 25m.
Type1000(No. 1001) Kamakura -> Fujisawa
Type1000 is high-floor articulated car. Type1000 was made in 1979 - 1986. Cars No.1001 - 1251(made in 1979 - 1983) are nose-suspension drived. Another cars are Cardan drived.
Type300 Fujisawa -> Gokurakuji
Type300 is popular car in Enoden. As of 2012, Type300 is oldest car in Enoden. This car was nose-suspension drived before 1989. At 1989, nose suspension drive devices were changed to Cardan drive devices.
This train was from Fujisawa to Kamakura. This train was 4-car train when leaving from Fujisawa. 2 cars in rear of train was uncoupled at Gokurakuji. 2 cars in rear of train was type300. I couldn't record from Gokurakuji to Kamakura...
Image on top : Type300 enters to on-street running section.
Taken between Enoshima and Koshigoe.